[#QuickTimeNotInstalled: ["Cancel", " OK", "The QuickTime extension isn't installed on your computer. Copy it from your Macintosh System disks to your System Folder."], #VFWNotInstalled: ["Cancel", " OK", "The Video for Windows drivers aren't installed on your system."], #LauncherFailed: ["Cancel", " OK", "$name either isn't in the Macromedia xRes™ 2.0 S.E. folder on the startup drive or hasn't been installed yet. Click OK to switch to a different drive, or click Cancel and then install $name."], #PictureNotFound: ["Cancel", "Unable to find image: $name"], #VideoNotFound: ["Cancel", "Unable to find movie: $name"], #MovieInAWindowNotFound: ["Cancel", "Unable to open movie: $name"], #PrinterError: ["Cancel", "There was a printer error."], #ApplicationNotFound: ["Cancel", " OK", "The location of $name is not known. Click OK to find $name on your hard drive, or click Cancel if it is not installed."], #WaitForApplication: ["Close", "Launching $name Please wait while the application is loading."], #QTWNotInstalled: ["Cancel", " OK", "The QuickTime for Windows drivers aren't installed on your system."], #NotEnoughRAM: ["OK", "This Macintosh doesn't have enough RAM to launch $name from the Access shell. Please quit Access and launch $name from the Finder."]]